Business English Coaching for company executives and employees engaged in day- to – day operations requiring effective English language skills.
Support for colleges and universities requiring business English professional coaching/ instruction for students.

Staffing agencies requiring coaching for employees before they enter interviews, or who wish/need to improve their soft skills with new employers and fellow employees.
It is common knowledge that English is an essential value-added component critical to the productivity of your company. A good knowledge of English, particularly in the business setting, may also be very important in advancing your career or to getting that job you have always wanted!

- Just think of the stress many employees have in dealing with phone calls when there is no body language to help second guess what the colleague or client is saying.
- Or that lunch with clients where the language of communication is English.
- Or the sales manager on a ZOOM meeting facing North American counterparts with not only superior understanding of English but also cultural differences which, in terms of Asian cultural values, for example, may appear overly direct or even disrespectful.
- Or the time-stressed CEO who needs to write up and handle a presentation whether on- line or in person.
- Or the personal assistant trying to write up an effective e-mail or even leave a message in English.
- OR the student/employee preparing for interviews or just writing up job applications/cover letters.